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BLOG: The indispensability of ICT in education.

Ikafuyi and Adebanjo (2006) While speaking on the usefullness of ICT in sustainable development advised on the need for a well- equipped ICT centres in all educational intitutions to enable them libe up to theirsocial and political responsibilities.


The indispensability of ICT in education research in particular includes.

1. Learning how to optimize the creativity of African Scientists participation in international networks and working with data sets.

2. Accessing various kinds of research information, which would link to the libraries group.

3. Learning new methods for disseminating knowledge produced in using them.

4. ICT applications run though the entires gamut of the educational network process. The Advocacy for the indispensability of ICT in education.

5. It reduced time and set cost of conducting educational investigation.

6. Data sets and library resources can be shared by intitutions in different locations.

7. Educational researchers have easy access to current literature materials.

8. Data sets irrespective of size can be stored and retrieved when needed.

9. Researchers in different locations can collaborate more easily

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